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Our training courses bring you the best in facial and body treatments, drawing inspiration from specific, ancestral and holistic techniques in order to provide maximum results and intense well-being. The exclusive Nohèm protocols will seduce you with their originality, their effectiveness and the escape they provide.
Certified by Qualiopi, Nohèm provides you with training with recognition in the professional environment by funding organizations.
Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about our program and our 2023/2024 training sessions.
The facial and body treatment protocols were created specifically for Nohèm.
Browse our training catalog below and discover your senses.
- Kobido expert facialist treatment
- Madero treatment
- Asian face and body ritual
- Ayurvedic ritual for face and body
- Far North Ritual for face and body
- Africa Body Ritual
- Polynesian Lomi Lomi body ritual
having completed our training, recommend our Nohèm treatment protocols.
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